SEO Marketing: Tips to make SEO friendly blog post titles

Wordpress and blogger SEO friendly post title making 2016

SEO Marketing: Tips to make SEO friendly blog post titles
In this article TechinDroid will provide a tips to seo title tags and heading tags optimization for make your blog or wordpress posts SEO friendly. Lets read what is title tag optimization in seo.
Difference between Title Tags and heading tags

In English  it is sometimes somewhat confusing the difference between title and headings on a website. To clarify, let 's do a basic reference to its name in spanish and, of course, the way a website distinguishes and classifies.

The title makes reference to the title page or title . The heading tags is actually the headline  or headings that are under the same title page and heading tags, likewise, they can , and should be classified in order of importance.

The classification of Title Tags and heading tags as SEO

For the purposes of search engine optimization, search engines are guided by the parameters that define what is a title and what is a heading tags, and what is plain text. Thus they attributed varying weights.

In terms of code, the page title is usually identified with <title>  while holders are classified as <H1> (for the most important), <H2> , <H3> and so on.

If you create your blog in WordPress , it is not required to know the details of the code, but understand this distinction will help you correctly choose the heading tags instead of using all common text paragraph and bold use only.
how to optimize title tag for search engines 

After the titles and headings, another trick to give clues that searchers about what are the keywords  or key phrases, is using Boldface type, defined by parameter <strong> or <b>.

Not only do you need to make sure to mention the keywords in the first paragraphs of each page, but also bold to highlight them to identify themselves as such. While it is important to mention several times, anything in excess is positive, so try to be sparing in the use of the same word or words and always keep in mind that the understanding should be clear to anyone.
all in title: find your competition 

A good resource to experiment with keywords and get an idea of the potential traffic is the keyword tool from Google . However, it is always advisable to do a search on Google to see the number of results returned that word or phrase.

Sometimes that number is usually extremely high, although it does not mean that these pages are necessarily optimized for that word or keywords. One trick to refine the search and achieve a more realistic number is using the term allintitle .

Enter Google and type in the search box allintitle: "your keyword phrase" and click search. Then they will appear on the results pages only those whose key phrase is in the title of the page.

Again, this is just an estimate and serves as a more reference, but combined with other analysis tools will help you get an idea of ??potential keywords or phrases you are trying to locate in the top of Google. Seo optimized title tag will helps to get higher ranking in Search engines.